June 10, 2024

A Reluctant Spy now on Netgalley

Standby image A Reluctant Spy is now available on Netgalley!

I’m extremely excited to tell you that my debut novel A Reluctant Spy is now up on Netgalley for request. If you’re a reviewer, bookblogger, Youtuber or otherwise bookishly involved, you probably already know what Netgalley is, but if you don’t, it’s a site where you can request early copies of new books from publishers and then review them.

This is another big step on the way to publication and the first one where my book will be broadly available to read by potentially dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of people. Which is very weird and cool. If you do request it and enjoy it, please feel free to tag me on Twitter, Instagram or Bluesky.

A Reluctant Spy Netgalley reviews

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Daynote - Mon 10th Jun 2024 Roaring back to life today, back on my routine and feeling good about it, after an entire weekend in the garden. On Saturday I cleared one half of
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Daynote - Tue 11th Jun 2024 A very exciting afternoon yesterday. First of all my book got added to Netgalley which was very exciting, and means a lot of people can now read it,

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