June 5, 2024

Daynote - Wed 5th Jun 2024

A profoundly ordinary day of editing today, but another version of an Exciting Thing I Can’t Talk About (yet) in my inbox last night and hopefully a final version today. Man, I cannot wait to talk about this.

ON DECK: Launching into part 3 of SHARD this morning, cut 109 words in aggregate, with a mere 43 scenes left to edit (at least three of them are currently empty placeholder scenes I need to write). Thankfully because this is the exciting third act where a lot happens quite quickly, most of these scenes are an absolute max of 2,000 words, with many of them far shorter than that. I can probably edit about 2,000-4,000 words in a typical editing session (depending on how heavily I’m reworking), so the end is very definitely in sight.

LISTENING: Back to Night Tracks today, a really lovely mix of tunes and vibes.

READING: Continuing to read Hotel Orient. Continues to be excellent. And it’s going out on sub today! Good luck Alessandra!

UP NEXT: More SHARD. Always and forever. Nah, only joking, it sometimes feels like it will never end, but I’m making decent progress. Should be done by the middle of the month-ish.

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Daynote - Tue 4th Jun 2024 It’s one hundred days until my book comes out. Ahhhh. Here, have a promo image, and look out for a fun book trailer later today. ON DECK: Finally
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Daynote - Thu 6th Jun 2024 Yesterday evening, I signed a Very Exciting Thing. It’s also a Thing that I’m not able to talk about publicly for several months at least, which is

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