Short Fiction

I am a published short fiction writer with six short stories and novelettes published or under contract as of early 2024. You can find my work in Clarkesworld and in Analog SF.

  • For TV, film or other adaptation rights enquiries, please contact Harry Illingworth at DHH Literary. TV and film rights are currently available for all pieces listed here.

  • For reprints, anthologies or other print rights enquiries related to my published short fiction, please contact me directly in the first instance.

  • I’m also open to solicitations for anthologies or magazines. Please use my contact form or @ me on any social media platform.

Published short fiction

I’ve had five short fiction pieces published so far, in Clarkesworld Magazine and Analog SF.

Clarkesworld 209 - February 2024

Kardashev’s Palimpsest - Published in the February 2024 issue of Clarkesworld Magazine, this novelette tells the story of two people who become the first immortal humans, then meet and part many times over the billions (then trillions) of years as humanity slowly evolves into a galaxy-spanning Kardashev Type III civilisation.

Analog SF - January/February 2024

Hull Run - published in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Analog SF Magazine, this is a novelette about bored teenagers on a Venusian airmining platform deciding to go outside for a bet during a bad storm and the complications that ensue (plus grief and friendship and why we do stupid things).

Clarkesworld 205 - October 2023

Such Is My Idea Of Happiness - published by Clarkesworld on October 1st 2023. This is a mildly thriller-ish story of post-climate change London, ruled by the never-sleeping Brights’ and the stimmed-up redeyes’ who serve them. It’s dedicated to anyone who’s ever been so exhausted by their work that they can’t think or imagine anything different. This piece got a lot of love. I was a finalist (for the second year running!) in the 2023 Clarkesworld Reader’s poll with this story, it was in the Locus Magazine Recommended Reading List for 2023 and it was BSFA Award long-listed.

Clarkesworld 190 - July 2022

Carapace - published by Clarkesworld on July 1st 2022. This is a novelette about a combat robot that accidentally gains self-awareness at the worst possible time. Learn more about this story in this blog post. I was a finalist in the 2022 Clarkesworld Reader Poll with this story, in the novelette category.

Clarkesworld 183 - December 2021

Vegvísir (Wayfinder) - published by Clarkesworld on December 1st 2021. This was my first professional short story sale. It’s a spooky science fiction piece about a surveyor getting lost in a sandstorm on Mars. Lots more about this story in this blog post.

Forthcoming short fiction

I have one novelette due out soon.

  • Best Practices For Safe Asteroid Handling - A novelette that tells the story of an asteroid miner living in a post-capitalist group mind collective in deep space, dealing with a mysterious incomer who seems extremely determined to kill him. And there are a lot of ways to die in space. This will be out in the September/October 2024 edition of Analog SF Magazine.

Elsewhere online





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