writing Working on a body of work Writing and publishing can often feel like a series of limbos. So what do you do when you feel forever suspended between an infinitude of probabilities?
interview My interview with Analog Magazine Analog Magazine interviewed me about my writing process to go along with my first story in the magazine.
How I Write series How I tackle edit letters Uh-oh. Your beta reader or agent or editor just dropped several pages of notes, ideas and 'minor tweaks' on you. What the hell do you do now?
How I Write series On finishing that project You've been staring down the ending of that creative project of yours for quite some time, huh? Here's why you should finish it, even if it feels wrong.
How I Write series The Draft to Idea Cycle Where do ideas actually come from? I have both good news and bad news.
How I Write series Daily writing routine - February 2023 The lowdown on how I'm getting the words down.