Awards Eligibility 2023

It's that time of year again! Here's the work of mine that's eligible for awards in 2023.

Awards Eligibility 2023
Photo by Giorgio Trovato / Unsplash

I have two novelettes that are eligible for awards this year, one in Clarkesworld and the other in Analog SF magazine.

The first is 'Such Is My Idea Of Happiness', published in Clarkesworld in October. The audio version just came out today and you can find it here.

The cover of Clarkesworld 205, featuring a robot and a young child looking down over a hi-tech city

This is a mildly thriller-ish story of post-climate change London, ruled by the never-sleeping 'Brights' and the stimmed-up 'redeyes' who serve them. It's dedicated to anyone who's ever been so exhausted by their work that they can't think or imagine anything different.

If you're an SFWA member, some kind soul has added this story to the Nebula Award Reading List. I would very much appreciate your consideration.

The second story is called Hull Run - published in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Analog SF.

The cover of Analog Jan/Feb 2024, featuring a space suited figure rising against a red and blue background

This is a novelette about bored teenagers on a Venusian airmining platform deciding to go outside for a bet during a bad storm and the complications that ensue (plus grief and friendship and why we do stupid things).

Please note - this second story is eligible for the Nebula Awards under their rules (which goes by date of availability - the magazine was available in December 2023), but not the Hugo Awards (which goes by cover date - it's dated Jan/Feb 2024).

This is the third year in a row I've had at least one pro-rate story published (two this year and I sold four!) and I'm hoping the trend continues - I already have two more stories coming out next year with Analog SF and Clarkesworld. This year has been heavy on the novel writing for me, but I'm hoping to keep up the pace with short fiction next year.

If you liked this year's stories, remember you can always check my short fiction page for a full list of everything I've published.

If you've read my work this year, I really hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading.