Daynote - Fri 10th May 2024
Carrying on with May...

A beautiful sunny morning here in East Lothian, but another day of slow writing progress. On the plus side I got my Kobo reader sorted with Nickelmenu, a handy little menu launcher thingy that makes it easy to add custom actions to your reader. I can turn on dark mode when I'm reading a book in three taps rather than five, for example.
I also really enjoyed today's Page One podcast, which is an interview with the agent Jonny Geller.
I've been really chuffed with the response to my body of work post from earlier in the week. Several people have told me it really resonated with them. It's nice when that happens.
ON DECK: Continuing with SHARD edits today, for a word count total of -35 words. Sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down. But today I found a sentence that used the word 'different' four times in the space of maybe thirty words. Somehow, that sentence had survived eight to ten previous rounds of editing. And this is why by the time I send a book to my agent, I've probably read it an even dozen times. Because otherwise things like that get through.
UP NEXT: More SHARD edits. Approaching the halfway point though. I suspect I'll have this thing squared away in about two weeks time, if there's nothing more urgent that turns up in the meantime.
MUSIC: Listening to the latest episode of the Hypnagogue Podcast, which I really like for editing work. I generally put on something thematic or a bit higher-tempo for drafting, but ambient stuff is great for the mindstate I want to be in when I'm line-editing.