May 23, 2024

Daynote - Thu 23rd May 2024

Starting to return to somewhat normal functioning today, although the weather has duly obliged by turning awful. Still, a little rain is good for the garden.

Posted another reel about my book made with Canva. These are so much fun to do.

ON DECK: Edited a scene in SHARD today, doing some careful line edits to change some dialogue attribution and snip out some stuff made redundant by a new scene inserted earlier into the book. Word count -90.

MUSIC: A bit of Jazz Chill on Apple Music this morning. I like various kinds of jazz for editing - something about the structure (or deliberate lack of structure) in jazz works well with my editing brain. I am very far from having any real jazz knowledge at all, but I listen to a lot of it.

READING: Still on The Salt Oracle but cueing up Murder at the Orient Hotel by Alessandra Ranelli next. This is another beta read as Alessandra is a fellow client of my agent Harry. Really looking forward to it. After that I’ve got a crime novel beta for another friend and then, perhaps, some actual published books?

UP NEXT: More SHARD edits, and proofs for the Nova Scotia 2 anthology, which I have a story in!

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Daynote - Tue 21st May 2024 Nearly clear on the covid tests this morning and a bit more energy. But boy I am still moving very slowly. And I’m getting very tired of this cough.
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Daynote - Fri 24th May 2024 Current vibe. Although a bit more damp - that shot was from before it rained for three straight days. Seems to have stopped now though, in time for

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