May 31, 2024

Daynote - Fri 31st May 2024

Wow, the month has gone quick. And it’s going to be a belter of a last day. Later today, I will hopefully be revealing the cover of my debut novel, A Reluctant Spy’! Stay tuned for that. And, of course, as it’s the last day of the month, my newsletter will also be out (though slightly delayed from normal to allow for the cover reveal. I am vibrating with excitement.

ON DECK: Got some editing done this morning on SHARD, another three scenes and -255 words cut. Progress, progress. No writing work this weekend because it’s Cymera and also my anniversary on Sunday, so that’ll have to do for the week.

LISTENING: Chilling out to an exceptional Night Tracks this morning, from the Hay Festival, including readings by Jeanette Winterson.

READING: Still reading Murder At The Hotel Orient which got an excellent book trailer yesterday, as Alessandra is about to go out on submission to editors.

UP NEXT: Cover reveal! Newsletter! Cymera! More SHARD edits! Maybe an outline! June is going to be a busy, busy month.

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Daynote - Thu 30th May 2024 A possibly exciting day! Something may be happening later, but I’m not sure when. Stay tuned. Capital Crime starts today and I have severe FOMO. But
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What I’m up to - May 2024 It’s cover time! This is a cross-post from my current Now page. You can also get these updates (and other cool stuff) in your inbox by

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