June 6, 2024

Daynote - Thu 6th Jun 2024

Yaaaay by meruyert gonullu on PexelsYaaaay by meruyert gonullu on Pexels

Yesterday evening, I signed a Very Exciting Thing. It’s also a Thing that I’m not able to talk about publicly for several months at least, which is kind of vexing, but rest assured it is one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me in my life, and the conclusion of a truly surreal couple of months. I will be referring to it henceforth as PROJECT FABLE. When I can share more, I absolutely will.

ON DECK: 89 words and three scenes down on SHARD. These next dozen or so scenes are fairly crucial for changing the arcs of two characters, so there’s a lot of finicky line edits, both taking stuff out and putting stuff in. But it’s tightening the whole thing up once scene at a time and it’s got to that gratifying point where I can see and feel that happening. I love this bit of the editing process.

LISTENING: Chilling out to the latest Ambient Atomic Orbitals this morning, a somewhat irregular ambient music podcast.

READING: Another couple of chapters of Murder At The Hotel Orient, which is now broadening out and deepening in very interesting ways. And the whole tone is wonderfully noir.

UP NEXT: You guessed it - more SHARD edits. Nothing will likely happen (involving me) on PROJECT FABLE for some time, so I’m just going full steam ahead on SHARD, doing promo and thinking about opportunities for A Reluctant Spy’ and enjoying a relatively quiet June before the business of July (Harrogate), August (Worldcon) and September (both my book launch and Bloody Scotland). By the time my birthday comes around in October I shall be a mere shell of a man.

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Daynote - Wed 5th Jun 2024 A profoundly ordinary day of editing today, but another version of an Exciting Thing I Can’t Talk About (yet) in my inbox last night and hopefully a
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Daynote - Fri 7th Jun 2024 Today has been the last day of my planned ‘easy routine’. Usually I get up at 0530 (believe me, I wish I could find another way to consistently

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