Daynote - Fri 7th Jun 2024

Getting back into it.

Daynote - Fri 7th Jun 2024
Photo by Sincerely Media / Unsplash

Today has been the last day of my planned 'easy routine'. Usually I get up at 0530 (believe me, I wish I could find another way to consistently write and be moderately healthy), write for 90 minutes, then go for about an hour's walk, which is a key for sanity preservation, brainstorming and health. And that walk is extremely key to me feeling like a vaguely normal human being. But in the aftermath of my covid dose, I've been prioritising sleep instead, getting up an hour later. I'm now feeling about 95% normal, so it's back to the early wakeups next week.

ON DECK: Another two scenes down in the edit, including reworking a scene and adding a bunch of stuff today, so aggregate count was 339 new words, cutting my overall word count reduction for the week in half. Ah well, so it goes.

LISTENING: Back to the latest episode of the Hypnagogue Podcast this morning. Which has apparently been going for fourteen years. I love discovering long-running, excellent things on the web.

READING: Reading and loving Hotel Orient still, and wow, it escalates in the middle third. A lot. Fantastic stuff.

UP NEXT: The weekend is the next thing and hopefully we can tackle the absolute jungle that is our front garden. I don't generally work on writing stuff, apart from beta and critique reading. Then I think, cautiously, next week might be the final push to the end of SHARD. It would be super nice to have it done by this time next week, and I reckon I can do it if I'm back on my usual schedule. We shall see.