June 11, 2024

Daynote - Tue 11th Jun 2024

The cover for Nova Scotia: Volume 2The cover for Nova Scotia: Volume 2

A very exciting afternoon yesterday. First of all my book got added to Netgalley which was very exciting, and means a lot of people can now read it, which I am totally fine with, yes sir.

Then, the cover reveal for Nova Scotia: Volume 2 happened! See above for that gorgeous design by Jenni Coutts. The first Nova Scotia was published the last time Worldcon was in Glasgow in 2005 and featured a huge range of incredible SFF writers living and working in Scotland back then. So to be included this time around is a dream. It’s amazing to be published alongside writers I literally studied at university (James Kelman, ahhh) as well as stalwarts of the Scottish SFF scene like Ken Macleod and Jon Courtney Grimwood. But the really incredible thing is being included among the crop of newer writers who have been selected, several of whom I’m lucky enough to count as friends. It’s a genuine honour.

ON DECK: I was working on one big scene with a bunch of fiddly character changes and rewrites this morning, so it wasn’t quite as barnstorming as yesterday, but I still got that scene done and chopped another -265 words. Not quite on track to finish by Friday, but not doing too badly.

LISTENING: Another episode of Ambient Atomic Orbitals this morning.

READING: Pretty close to the end of Hotel Orient this morning and, well, wow, it is twisting and turning in an extremely gratifying and captivating manner. What a book.

UP NEXT: You know it’s going to be SHARD. But, one day soon, I will get to write something new. I am afire with excitement about that.

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A Reluctant Spy now on Netgalley A Reluctant Spy is now available on Netgalley! I’m extremely excited to tell you that my debut novel A Reluctant Spy is now up on Netgalley
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Daynote - Wed 12th Jun 2024 The calendar tells me today is the 12th of June which is a) wild and b) cool, because that means it is a mere THREE MONTHS until my novel comes out!

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