August 15, 2024

Daynote - Thu 15th Aug 2024

My launch, Blackwell’s Edinburgh, 12th Sept at 7pmMy launch, Blackwell’s Edinburgh, 12th Sept at 7pm

Reminder! Four weeks to go! Come to my book launch!

Well, WorldCon was incredible, even though I left early. I’ll write a fuller post at some point talking about everything I did and saw and all the people I got to speak to, but if you’re an author wondering if WorldCon is worth going to when it’s near you, I can answer unequivocally yes. I intended to stay until Monday but started feeling ill on the Sunday afternoon and decided to go home, rather than risk infecting anyone if I had Covid. I’ve tested negative for five days now, so I think it may have just been the result of four very intense 12 hour+ days in a row and staying up way later than I usually do, but I’m mostly feeling fine now.

ON DECK: Very, very slow back into the writing this week - just been doing bits and bobs of marketing work. I’ll make a start on the sample for PROJECT SCARLET hopefully tomorrow, but then I’m taking an actual honest-to-goodness week off next week, with no intention of doing any writing. I may do some calls and bookshop visits (since the Edinburgh Book Festival is on and we’ll likely go into town) but I really, really need an actual break before plunging into the final three weeks of pre-publication work.

LISTENING: Currently catching up on a backlog of podcasts after WorldCon.

WATCHING: I discovered recently that the seminal 1995 series SPACE: ABOVE AND BEYOND (which set the stage for the Battlestar Galactica remake ten years later) is on Youtube in its entirety, and has been remastered. Some of the sets are a bit wobbly, but it’s pretty great. I watched a bit of it while I was sick after WorldCon.

READING: Still working on SPOOK STREET, but I have a stack of books acquired at WorldCon and EXTREMOPHILE by Ian Green and NINTH LIFE by Stark Holborn are currently vying for next read.

UP NEXT: A day of drafting on PROJECT SCARLET, then as above, holiday. We will hopefully get away for a night or two for my wife’s birthday, but mostly I’m hoping to just chill for a few days and get the rest that will let me handle the travel, events and large amounts of Being Perceived I’m about to experience. I can’t wait but it’s also kind of daunting. And FOUR WEEKS from today, actual readers will have my actual book in their actual hands! Bonkers.

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