Daynote - Wed 23 Oct
Turning in some work.

Did a little editing last night, but also stopped at a sensible time, so I was at my desk for a reasonable session this morning. I still missed my walk (because I pushed through to finish) but I'll get out later.
ON DECK: Twenty whole words in aggregate, but the sample for PROJECT SCARLET is finished, the pitch and synopsis is updated and the whole package is off to my editor! Hurrah! Delighted.
LISTENING: I absolutely loved this episode of the Le Carré Cast with Nick Harkaway. Nick is the son of John Le Carré (aka David Cornwell) and is a (very, very good) author in his own right. His book GNOMON blew me away, and I'm hoping to dip into TITANIUM NOIR soon. This long and in-depth interview talks both about his own writing and his venture into the fictional universe of his father with the new George Smiley book KARLA'S CHOICE, which is getting some really great reviews.
WATCHING: More WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS. A friend let me know Season 5 was on Disney+ already, so we dived into that.
READING: No reading makes Dave sad. But I will go to bed at a reasonable time tonight and get some reading done.
UP NEXT: Now that SCARLET is off to my editor, I can get Ridealong reworked and then crack on with the big SHARD rewrite. And then, perhaps, get into a full novel draft. Already looking forward to it.