May 29, 2024

Daynote - Wed 29th May 2024

An exciting call yesterday and cool things in my inbox, which I should be able to share soon. I can also share that the first two chapters of my novel A Reluctant Spy’ will be included in the goodie bags at Capital Crime, which starts on Thursday. I won’t be there unfortunately, but I hope everyone who does make it enjoys this little sneak peak into my novel.

ON DECK: 220 words added in edits to SHARD. Exciting call yesterday means people are looking at outlines and considering options, then I’ve got a bit more outlining to do for more conversations. Hopefully that should also lead to firming up the writing plans for the rest of the year, which are somewhat nebulous after I get SHARD away to my agent.

LISTENING: Back to Night Tracks today and a very eclectic episode. I really love this for writing to.

READING: Still working on Murder At The Hotel Orient. But I can tell it’s going to get propulsive shortly, so I expect I will be done with it sooner rather than later.

UP NEXT: More SHARD edits, with a view to finishing in the next couple of weeks. I’m past the halfway point now, hurrah. Then it’s outlining time, then I have no idea.

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Daynote - Tue 28th May 2024 Back to work today after a long Bank Holiday weekend, which as tradition dictates was 90% rain. On the plus side, I ventured out to our local shops
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Daynote - Thu 30th May 2024 A possibly exciting day! Something may be happening later, but I’m not sure when. Stay tuned. Capital Crime starts today and I have severe FOMO. But

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