May 30, 2024

Daynote - Thu 30th May 2024

A possibly exciting day! Something may be happening later, but I’m not sure when. Stay tuned.

Capital Crime starts today and I have severe FOMO. But Cymera starts tomorrow and I’m going to that on Saturday, so that will assuage the FOMO. Kind of hope they’re not on the same weekend next year, because choosing between them is a toughie. One of the trials of a dual writing career I guess.

ON DECK: 70 new words today, in aggregate, and four more scenes edited. Eight to go in this part of PROJECT SHARD, then I’m in the final third. And thankfully in that bit I’m mostly editing for length rather than doing much heavy lifting plot or character-wise.

Possible exciting stuff later, just waiting on some confirmation.

LISTENING: Back to the Bicep Essentials playlist this morning, because I needed something with a steady beat.

READING: Still working on Murder At The Hotel Orient. Still excellent. Snort-laughed several times yesterday. It’s a very fun book.

UP NEXT: More SHARD edits. Sorry if you’re getting tired reading that. I’m getting tired of writing it. But the only way out is through.

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Daynote - Wed 29th May 2024 An exciting call yesterday and cool things in my inbox, which I should be able to share soon. I can also share that the first two chapters of my
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Daynote - Fri 31st May 2024 Wow, the month has gone quick. And it’s going to be a belter of a last day. Later today, I will hopefully be revealing the cover of my debut novel,

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