June 4, 2024

Daynote - Tue 4th Jun 2024

It’s one hundred days until my book comes out. Ahhhh. Here, have a promo image, and look out for a fun book trailer later today. A Reluctant Spy Promo

ON DECK: Finally got to the end of Part 2 of SHARD today! Hooray! I cut -189 words and I’m now in the final third, with about 40,000 words left to edit. If I can lose 3-5k out of that total, I’ll be pretty happy.

LISTENING: I found out about Anna Massie recently, and I’ve been really enjoying her album Two Down, which was my first ever Bandcamp purchase. It also features a really excellent cover of The Outdoor Type’. But here’s the track that made me click buy, called 100 Days’:

READING: Still reading Murder At The Hotel Orient, which goes out on submission to editors tomorrow. It’s starting to escalate beautifully. Which is exactly what I suspect may happen when it goes out on sub too.

UP NEXT: Plunging into the final furlong of SHARD and contemplating what comes next. Hopefully some more exciting emails this week? We shall see. But the countdown towards publication is definitely underway.

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Daynote - Mon 3rd Jun 2024 Well, that was a pretty great weekend, after a pretty great Friday afternoon. As you can see from the image above, we did the cover reveal for my
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Daynote - Wed 5th Jun 2024 A profoundly ordinary day of editing today, but another version of an Exciting Thing I Can’t Talk About (yet) in my inbox last night and hopefully a

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