Daynote - Tue 25th Jun 2024

Some vague good news and a new blurb!

Daynote - Tue 25th Jun 2024
Photo by DESIGNECOLOGIST / Unsplash

A Very Good Morning today. The Very Exciting Thing that happened about two months back resolved into... uh, a real world outcome? A tangible output? I both love and hate vagueposting like this, but suffice to say I'm pretty happy and feeling like things are coming up Goodman.

Yesterday I also got a wonderful blurb from the bestselling crime writer M.W. Craven (author of the Washington Poe series), who was kind enough to read my book recently.

"A Reluctant Spy hits the ground running and never lets up. Clever, witty and all too believable; it’s in the very top tier of espionage fiction"

Top tier! You heard it here first!

ON DECK: Another 375 words on the outline and some more reorganising. Getting there, slowly but surely.

LISTENING: Back to Bicep this morning.

WATCHING: Didn't watch anything last night - it was gorgeous weather, so we sat in the garden and read books, which was lovely.

READING: Finished Flesh & Blood last night in a feverish rush. Absolute cracker of a book that I have zero doubt is going to get snapped up. The author is already published and agented and this is a new genre for him, but you honestly couldn't tell - it's a cracker.

UP NEXT: Got a bit of work travel coming up, so I'll be alternating outlining on a potential book 2 with some last-minute proofreading on book 1 as we approach the print deadline. Nobody's asked me to do this, but I quite like spotting things and I'm kind of enjoying re-reading my own book, after a break of several months? It's cool. Like taking a little holiday inside your own brain.